Virtual testing

The San Diego FSC is now hosting Virtual Test Sessions.  A virtual test allows skaters to be judged using a video of the skater executing all elements of a specific test. 

There are TWO steps necessary to sign up for a virtual test session:

1) Register/pay for the test using our SDFSC Entryeeze system. This online system will collect necessary information, payment, and approvals for each test taken.   Please follow these instructions

2) Submit completed documents/video-link using our Virtual Submittal Form-(deadline date of session).  The online form will collect information and allow you to upload the required Affidavit and Consent Agreement forms, as well as identify the YouTube formated video-link.  

     Virtual Submittal Form-Mar.28, 2025

Please fill out the Performance Affidavit and Name/Likeness Release & Consent Agreement and Upload them and enter the full linkname of your YouTube video (must contain using the Virtual Submittal Form-(deadline date). 

IMPORTANT: The Proctor of the test must be an impartial witness. He/She must not be related to the skater and must not be one of the skater’s coaches nor dance partner.

Creating the Video 

  • Videos must be recorded using landscape format, use Virtual Test Placard, and display date. See virtual requirements and instructions
  • Videos must be uploaded to YouTube(YouTube is the only accepted format)
  • Videos must be submitted within 14 days of the video recording date.
  • Please review the video to ensure it is clear and steady, as videos with blurring or frame jumps have previously been rejected by judges.

Virtual Test Placard: U.S. Figure Skating requires skaters to hold a placard close to the camera at the start of the recording. The placard must include the skater’s name, Name of Test Taken, Host Club name, and recording date. Below is a sample fillable PDF placard, though any placard is acceptable as long as it contains the required information.  In addition,  you must display the current time and date on an electronic device (cell phone, iPad, etc). NOTE: The test chair will review each recording for compliance before forwarding it for judging. If either the placard or the time/date device are missing, the skater will be notified that the video has been rejected.

Registration Deadline

Registration requires BOTH Register/Pay via SDFSC Entryeeze system AND Documents/Video-link Submitted via Virtual Submittal Form-(date of session) to be completed before the posted deadline.  

If you do not receive an email acknowledging receipt of your documentation and video by the deadline mentioned on the form please follow up with our virtual test chairs at

Document Links: